5 Mar 2024 | |
Reunions and Events |
It is 30 years since the Class of 1994 left Bradfield and appeared on their Leavers’ photograph.
We invite you to a very special get together being organised and hosted by a small committee - Tim Dellor (G 89-94), Will Garner (A 89-94), Ben Biggar (B 89-94) and Tammy Penny nee Blackmore (I 92-94) - celebrating this special occasion at the place where you first met and with some of the staff who taught you all those years ago!
The date of the event is Saturday 1 June 2024 starting at 4:30pm at Bradfield College for a Tour followed by a celebratory drink and canapes in Quad (weather permitting) or in the Warden's Room/Dining Hall
At 7pm, the party will continue at The Old Boot Inn in Stanford Dingley for a pub BBQ supper and time to enjoy each other's company. Local accommodation is available at The Bull in Stanford Dingley, should anyone like to stay over.
The cost of the event will be free for those just wanting to join us at the college only as drinks will be provided by the Bradfield Society and £25 for those who wish to attend both elements. We hope that most guests will choose to make the most of the whole evening. Please let us know if you will join us for one or both parts of the evening when you register here
Please share this invitation with any of your close Bradfieldian friends - we are sharing this widely by email and also through a WhatsApp group run by Will Garner.
Any questions, please get in touch with the Bradfield Society office bradfieldsociety@bradfieldcollege.org.uk